Brian Billow

Brian brings an innate understanding of advertising methods and messages thanks to his many years on agency side as Creative Director at DDB Chicago and McCann Erickson New York. Add to this his professional training as a popular improvisation actor, and you have a director who can communicate simultaneously with the originators of the idea as well as the actors entrusted to deliver the message.
While we love working with Brian because of his strong comedic performance and a cinematic visual aesthetic, we raise our hats in admiration for other non-profit films he has directed. Billow recently directed an anti-bullying PSA for BBDO and Monica Lewinsky - #DefyTheName which starred a cross-section of high-profile people who overcame being bullied as children. Billow also co-wrote and directed the satorical viral sensation “Abe and Trump being Frank” @abeandtrump which may just have been the deciding factor in the 2020 Presidential US election. You’ll have to find that on TikTok to know what we’re talking about, as we are only sharing his advertising work on this page for international security reasons.